TEHRAN, Dec. 21 (MNA) – Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov, officially dismissed any accusation against Russia over the recent cyber-attacks in the US, stressing that such baseless claims are more likely to be a continuation of blind Russophobia.

Moscow is not involved in hacker attacks on US government bodies and companies, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday, TASS News Agency reported.

"Russia is not involved in such attacks, namely this one. We state this officially and firmly," he said.

According to the spokesman, "any accusations of Russia’s involvement are absolutely baseless, they are more likely to be a continuation of blind Russophobia that is resorted to in case of any incident."

Peskov noted that the discussion of hacker attacks "is gaining steam in the United States because it was the United States that fell victim to this hacker attack."

"Definitely, this discussion has nothing to do with us," he stressed.

When asked about possible US initiatives in this situation, the Kremlin spokesman stated that "lately, it has been hard to predict US actions."

In a statement on 17 December, Cisa said government agencies, critical infrastructure entities, and private sector organizations had been targeted by what it called an "advanced persistent threat actor", beginning in at least March 2020.

Cisa did not identify who was behind the attack; which agencies and organizations had been breached; or what information had been stolen or exposed.

Meanwhile, US President-elect Joe Biden said he would make cyber-security a "top priority" of his administration.