TEHRAN, Dec. 08 (MNA) – Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah Resistance Movement in Lebanon said the move by some Arab countries to normalize ties with the Israeli regime is a clear betrayal of the Palestinian cause.

Addressing the Sixth Conference of International Union of Resistance Scholars, which was held in Beirut on Tuesday, Sheikh Naim Qassem called on the Arab rulers to “either stand by Resistance, or by normalization, no third choice!” 

“Despite conspiracies since Balfour declaration, generations are still sticking to Palestine and its liberation,” the Hezbollah deputy said, Lebanon’s Al-Manar TV reported.

He deplored the Arab states of the Persian Gulf for not standing by Palestine, saying, “They have backed all schemes of surrender.”

The Hezbollah deputy said, “Normalization has exposed all traitors and revealed those who support Resistance.”

Sheikh Qassem added, “Axis of Resistance has secured promising achievements thanks to steadfastness and firm will to liberate Palestine.”

In this regard, he added, "We will work hard to develop our capabilities on basis of military, politics and media."

During the conference, Head of International Union of Resistance Scholars Sheikh Maher Hammoud, also said, “The First Intifada proved that Palestinian people in no need of Arab armies and Arab ‘shameful’ summits.”

He noted that while 33 years have passed since the First Intifada, “The stones are still more powerful than bullets.”

“We denounce all forms of normalization of ties between Arab regimes and Zionist entity,” he said.

Sheikh Mahmoud underlined that “normalization came after all conspiracies against Resistance in 2006 and in Syrian War have been foiled.”