"The first round of security negotiations between Palestinian and Israeli delegations ended in Bait-ul-Moqaddas on June 15 without finding a solution to the current crisis," writes the daily Tehran Times.
The negotiations were held after Zionist regime Prime Minister Ariel Sharon demanded that the Intifada be brought to an end in three days, reads a commnetary in the daily's Opinion column to appear on Wednesday.
"The Intifada leaders completely rejected the Zionist demand, but Palestinian authorities agreed to the discussions as a goodwill gesture, despite the Israelis' harsh treatment of the innocent Palestinian nation."
According to the paper, Sharon’s demand that martyrdom-seeking attacks be stopped shows the Zionist regime's inability to suppress the Intifada.
"Furthermore, the leaders of the Palestinian resistance movements believe that Sharon will soon reestablish the death squads, which were active when Yitzhak Rabin was the Zionist prime minister."
"Sharon’s military plans to suppress the Intifada seem doomed to failure, since the Zionists have been forced to call on third parties, this time Egypt, to help them put an end to the Intifada," the daily suggests.
"Furthermore, the leaders of Palestinian Islamic movements are well aware of the plots and strategy of the U.S. and Israel and will never agree to a cease-fire at this point in time."
The Times adds that Palestinian leaders will never forget the brazen assassination attempt on Hamas official Abdul Aziz al-Rantissi, in which helicopter gunships attacked his car at the same time that Sharon and Abu Mazen were supposed to be discussing implementation of the road map.
"The Al-Aqsa Intifada will continue, despite the threats and empty promises, since Palestinians see no other alternative."