TEHRAN, Jul. 26 (MNA) – US federal troops have used tear gas and flash-bang grenades against Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, on the 59th consecutive day of unrest in the city.

Portland, Oregan, has been home to one of the most intense anti-racism demonstrations following the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd.

Citizens gathered for another night of protest in Portland on Saturday after security forces beat the demonstrators with nightsticks and used tear gas and rubber bullets to drive them back, according to reports.  

The UN human rights office has already called on US police and security forces in Portland and other cities not to use disproportionate force or unlawful detention against protesters.

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Protests in Portland were sparked over the death of African American George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer in the city of Minneapolis nearly two months ago.

Protesters voiced anger over the deployment of federal agents to crack down on the rallies. The US Justice Department said it was investigating the use of force by the troops.

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They chanted slogans against federal agents that have been deployed to the city by the US administration to quell protests triggered by the brutal murder of Floyd in police custody in May.

The Mayor of Portland also opposed the presence of the agents in the city, saying it was escalating the crisis.