TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) – Iranian Defense Minister said Sat. that the United States gathered terrorist from around the world and armed them to the point that they took over most regions of Syria and Iraq.

Brigadier General Amir Hatami went on to say that the factor which countered these hostile measures and defeated the US was having a mindset like those of Iran’s Basij forces.

He made the remarks on Saturday in Tehran at a ceremony held for Basij members and commanders of Defense Ministry.

Also touching upon victories of Yemenis over Saudi and US forces, he said that Americans are accusing Iran and claiming that Iran’s support has prevented their victory. “They think that Yemen's resistance is because of Iran’s support but our support is only spiritual. What leads to success is the resilient spirit of the nations that are not willing to give in to the tyranny of the Americans.”

Elsewhere, Hatami said that the imposition of US sanctions against Iran is a golden opportunity to overcome the weaknesses in the country’s economy.
