TEHRAN, Aug. 29 (MNA) – The funeral ceremony of martyr Colonel pilot Manouchehr Fatahi was held in the presence of a large number of martyr-fostering people of Kermanshah on Tuesday morning.
Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah Funeral ceremony of martyr pilot ‘Fatahi’ held in Kermanshah