TEHRAN, Aug. 06 (MNA) – Iranian president in a televised speech says that the US must prove it is willing to resolve problems through negotiations, adding “Donald Trump’s call for direct talks was aimed at creating division inside Iran.”

The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made the remarks in a televised speech on Monday evening, during which he dismissed direct talks with the US under the shadow of sanctions.
The Iranian president said that the United States is not honest to negotiate with, saying that the US cannot prove its trustworthiness after JCPOA withdrawal and re-imposing sanctions.
Saying that negotiations with the US under sanctions does not make sense, President Rouhani further added that Trump’s call for direct talks was aimed at creating division inside the country.

Rouhani expressed his happiness with the Europe’s stance against US pressures, though he reiterated the call on Europeans to take practical measures to make up for Iran’s losses as a result of US unlawful withdrawal.

“Europe is resisting the US stance against Iran despite being Washington’s long-term allies,” Rouhani said, adding there is no obstacle ahead of expanding relations with Europe.
Meanwhile, he said that Iran is still waiting for practical measures by Europe to keep the nuclear deal alive.
President Rouhani believed that Iran has even better relations with China and Russia, saying that the type of relations with Russia and China are not comparable with relations with Europe.

He also said that the five remaining signatories to the JCPOA have engaged in a full-fledged campaign against the US pressures.

He pointed out that Russia and china have promised to resist the US sanctions regarding banking sector and oil exports, adding that China is working on upgrading the Arak reactor within the framework of the JCPOA.

The Iranian president stressed that Iran has good and growing relations with China, ASEAN, and India.

He said that on the sidelines of a recent meeting the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Chinese officials had vowed to remain loyal to their JCPOA commitments.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rouhani noted that some economic problems in Iran have roots in distant past, saying that ‘the timing of sanctions is in our hands.’

He then called for unity in the face of economic hardship.
