TEHRAN, Jun. 16 (MNA) – The Ansarullah movement has rejected the Saudi-UAE Coalition’s claims that they have entered the airport in Yemen’s main port city of Hodeidah, saying they are retreating on all fronts.

Sources on the ground told Al-Mayadeen TV on Saturday that the Saudi-led coalition had focused all their efforts on capturing the Hodeidah airport but they have failed to achieve their goal and are retreating on every front.

The Ansarullah movement spokesman Mohammad Abdul Salam told Al-Mayadeen TV that they have asked the United Nations to mediate a political solution for the Hodeidah war to prevent a humanitarian disaster in the city.

Abdul Salam called the Saudi-led Coalition’s claims a propaganda warfare aimed at diverting public attention from their repeated failures.

Abdul Salam added that there is not even one single Iranian soldier fighting in Yemen, while Saudi-led coalition are comprised of many Saudi, Emirati and Sudanese fighters.
