TEHRAN, Apr. 21 (MNA) – Iran’s Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi says destroying the Zionist regime is one of the major targets of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), urging work towards that aim.

Speaking in a ceremony to commemorate the Iranian martyrs dubbed “Holy Shrine Defenders” in the Basij Headquarter in Tehran today, Major General Mousavi said that the enemies have repeatedly failed to harm Iran through creating division.

The Iranian military commander rejected any division between the Army and the IRGC, declaring that all the armed forces of Iran are united against enemies’ plots to divide the armed forces of the country.

Major General Mousavi said he as the commander of the Army was among the Basijis to commemorate the anniversary of the formation of IRGC as a sign of unity among armed forces.

The Iranian Army commander went on to add that the IRGC unlike other armies in the world was formed based on the revolutionary beliefs, adding that it is responsible for tackling the cultural, political, economic, and social threats.

He later referred to enemies’ threats, saying that Iranian armed forces must not wait for the enemies to come to its border then act against them.

The Iranian Army commander also stated that the ‘criminal America’ is trying to create a protective belt around the Zionist regime, adding that the life span has previously been determined for the Zionist regime is 25 years.

The 25-year life span that was previously set for the Zionist regime is definite,” Major General Mousavi said, urging work towards that aim as one of the major IRGC missions.

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