Publish Date: 14 September 2005 - 19:19

TEHRAN, Sept. 14 (MNA) -- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has urged the country’s officials to stay on the right track, observe the divine law, remain patient in the face of difficulties, and do all they can to perform their sacred duties.

Addressing officials of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) here on Wednesday, the Supreme Leader said, “Sacred duties are meant to exalt human beings to a higher spiritual level. Establishing justice in society and fighting oppression are sacred duties that help human beings in their spiritual growth.”


Ayatollah Khamenei noted that officials should make greater efforts to fulfill their sacred duties and resist worldly temptations.


“Officials of the Islamic Republic are in greater need of purifying their souls and developing spiritually, due to the lofty goals of the Islamic system. It’s harder to emerge successfully from divine tests in a time of peace than it is in times of difficulty and war. Therefore, more spiritual protection is necessary at these times,” he observed.  


Prior to the Leader’s remarks, Hojjatoleslam Movaheddi Kermani, the Supreme Leader’s representative at the IRGC, and IRGC Commander in Chief Major General Rahim Safavi delivered speeches voicing the Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ readiness to defend the ideals of the Islamic Revolution.   


