TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) – Iran’s Deputy Prosecutor General for Judicial Affairs Mohammad Javad Heshmati stressed the need for Iran and Iraq’s convergence and coordination in the fight against Takfiri groups.

Noting that Takfirists undermine the independence and security of the countries, Heshmati called for more cooperation among Muslim countries to eradicate terrorism in the region.

He made the remarks in a meeting with an Iraqi delegation on Tuesday.

"Last year we had a trip to Iraq accompanied with the Head of Judiciary Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, where the prosecutors of the two sides signed MoUs," said Heshmati, adding Muslim countries have a strong civilization, and their capacities can be used by executive agencies.

The deputy head of the Iraqi National Inspectorate, for his part, said “we believe that the National Inspection Organization can help us in the field of prevention; I believe that the experience of Iran can be of great help to us.”
