TEHRAN, Aug. 30 (MNA) – President Hassan Rouhani in reaction to Nikki Haley’s pressure on IAEA for inspection of Iran’s military sites said that Iran’s relations with the Agency is dictated by regulations not what the US wants.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made the remarks in a live televised interview Tuesday night, adding “the IAEA will not give into the US demands; and even if it did, we will not give into pressure and bullying. We will work with the Agency within the framework of rules and regulations and the Agency has in turn worked with us in a constructive atmosphere.”

“Today, the Americans may have certain assumptions, but the sanctions will never return in the way they were previously imposed against us. The world’s outlook has completely changed about Iran and the international community regards us completely differently from what it used to do,” the president added.

“The US domestic policy is shaky and unstable, and there is no framework for its internal, external, and economic relations even with its own neighboring countries,” President Rouhani said, adding “of course this can be in our interest, since the US is going through the most difficult time in building consensus against Iran.”

“Today, the US is in the most unfavorable conditions and Iran is in the most favorable,” he stressed, noting the support of 28 European countries for the nuclear deal despite the US attempts at undermining it.

“Just when the US levels threats against us, foreign banks give us a 10-billion-dollar credit, or a European company signs a 5-billion-dollar contract with us; this means that the US threats have stopped working,” Rouhani said.

The Iranian president went on to stress that the Islamic Republic would not be the first to kill the nuclear deal, adding “yet, we will react accordingly if other parties to the deal show any lack of commitment.”

“Although the international policy toward Iran is quite hostile, our policy has always been to build good relations with neighboring countries,” President Rouhani added. 
