Publish Date: 14 August 2017 - 13:43

TEHRAN, Aug. 14 (MNA) – Former IRGC General Mohsen Rezaei said Mon. that the current developments in the Middle East will force the United States to retreat from the region.

Mohsen Rezaei, current Secretary of Iran's Expediency Council, made the remarks in response to a reporter’s question about the future of the Middle East.

He further touched upon ISIL's bestial act in taking hostage and beheading Mohsen Hojaji, a member of the Iranian advisory support team in Syria, saying “ISIL is on its lags and carries out such inhumane atrocities in order to show that it is still breathing.”

He went on to add, “it was an ISIL propaganda to demonstrate that the Takfiri terrorist group is still alive, but the great victory of the Iraqi nation in liberating Mosul as well as the Syrian nation in liberating Aleppo indicate the complete elimination of ISIL.”

“ISIL will never be able to return to its previous power,” Rezaei stressed, adding “by the martyrdom of Iranian advisory forces, our nation has shown that it is at the forefront of defending human values and has recorded this great honor in history.”
