Publish Date: 16 April 2017 - 10:29

TEHRAN, Apr. 16 (MNA) – Death toll as a result of floods in 7 western and northwestern provinces of Iran reached 40 with 5 possible missing while rescue missions are underway, Head of Relief and Rescue Organization said Sunday.

Morteza Salimi, Head of Relief and Rescue Organization of the Iranian Red Crescent, told Mehr News on Sunday that Red Crescent relief and rescue operations still continue in 52 towns and villages affected by severe floods that started on Friday. 

According to him, 5100 people have benefited from the relief and rescue services, and 410 people were provided with emergency sheltering and 16 transferred to safer zones following torrential rains and flooding which has so far affected seven provinces including East and West Azarbaijan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Qazvin, Zanjan and Mazandaran.

He added that water has been pumped out of 268 residential units and operation for the release of 44 trapped cars in floods have been performed in various efforts. 110 relief tents, 1000 blankets, 175 lanterns, plastic nylons, kitchen sets, canned food, bread and rice have been distributed among the affected.

Following the tragic incidents, Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a message in which he extended his sympathies and condolences to the families of victims and the affected, and called on all relevant officials to respond immediately to the crisis.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also voiced his deepest regrets over the heavy floods and the loss of Iranian lives and extended his sympathy to the families of victims.

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani also issued a message on Saturday, calling for an immediate relief and rescue response to the flood situation.
