Publish Date: 23 September 2016 - 15:58

TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) – Ali Akbar Velayati, Iran’s former Foreign Minister in the years of Saddam’s war on Iran commemorated the Holy Defense week on his Instagram account.

“The Holy Defense week is a heavenly occasion to pay tribute to all braveries, selflessness, and courage staged by the generals of sacrifice and martyrdom who registered their names with goodness and greatness in history,” reads the message of Ali Akbar Velayati, the Leader’s senior adviser and the Head of the Strategic Research Center of Iran’s Expediency Council, who served as the Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran for 16 years.

The veteran diplomat reassures that the days named after the Holy Defense brings to mind the names of those unique figures who followed the true teachings of Islam, the role model of the Imams, and the leadership of Imam Khomeini to save honor and respect of their country, making the nation proud of them forever.

“Today, under the might and security won by our defenders, Iran is the most independent and most effective country in the region and in the world,” boasted the official in the message published on his Instagram account.

Saddam launched a full fletched assault on Iran on September 22, 1980 with incentives offered by the US government. The western backed war of Saddam against Iran lasted for 7 years and 11 months and claimed the lives of around 1 million people of the two countries.
