TEHRAN, Apr. 27 (MNA) – President Rouhani said the ruling by US Supreme Court against Iran on the misappropriation of about $2bn of frozen Iranian assets is an ‘outright theft’ and a ‘legal scandal’ for America.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made the remark in today’s cabinet meeting, adding that the ruling indicates the continuation of America’s hostility against the Iranian nation.

“Iran’s government, acting on behalf of the whole nation, will spare no effort in protecting the rights of the people and will continue on this path until the desired results are achieved,” he said.

“That a court in a far corner of the world would attempt to make a decision on the rights and assets of the Iranian nation is a completely illegal move and contrary to the legal immunity that central banks have in the world,” Rouhani said.

The President deemed the ruling a political move which shows that the US hostility against Iranian nation persists, adding “these assets all belong to Iran and we consider the misappropriation hostile and illegal.”

Elsewhere, President Rouhani referred to the upcoming runoff parliamentary elections on April 29, saying “the government and Majlis have had a relatively good interaction so far and we hope the interaction will increase even further in the next parliament.”

He also stressed the significance of participating in the elections, given the current situation in the region and the ‘hostilities against Iran that are revealed each day.’  

