Publish Date: 4 April 2016 - 09:40

TEHRAN, Apr. 04 (MNA) – Prime Minister of Syria Wael Nader al-Halqi noted all-round cooperation between Iran and Syria has strengthened the Axis of Resistance against Zionist-US plots in opposition to the regional countries.

Wael al-Halqi made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian parliamentary delegation on Sunday in the Syrian capital Damascus.

During the meeting, Halqi said that Iran-Syria cooperation has made the anti-West and anti-Israeli resistance stronger in the region.

Halqi added that Syria’s recent advances in the battle against terrorists are the result of Tehran-Damascus strong ties.

Pointing to the deep, historic and strategic relations between the two countries, Syrian official said the ties were made at the time of Hafez al-Assad, former president of Syria, and Imam Khomeini (RA). "It was also strengthened and expanded during the term of President Bashar al-Assad and President Rouhani."

He underlined the relationship has played a great role in reinforcing Syrian nation to counter the effects of unjust economic sanctions against Damascus.

Head of Iranian parliamentary delegation Amir Khojasteh, for his part, underlined Iran's support for the Syrian nation and leaders in the fight against terrorism.

He ensured the Syrians will defeat the enemies and their country will be reconstructed without foreign interferences.

During the meeting the two sides examined the opportunities for cooperation in all fields and the role of Iranian companies in Syria reconstruction phase through the investment projects and reconstruction of some parts ravaged by terrorists.

