TEHRAN, Mar. 07 (MNA) – Six member states of [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council have labelled Hezbollah of Lebanon as a terrorist organization; an act which suffers any legal and conventional legitimacy.

The act was immediately praised by the Zionist regime media which deemed it as a great achievement which was valuable as well; the petty, ambitious, and equally ludicrously irrational policies of some of the Council members have effectively brought about regional instability and have fostered ISIL and Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups who enjoy the full support and logistics of the oil money provided by Arab states. The recent decision is anachronistic and lacks the basic rationality, as Hezbollah of Lebanon has recently been successful in Syrian ground, winning battles against terrorists and reclaiming larger areas under occupation of the terrorist groups; still in another front, Hezbollah had pinned down the Zionist regime into its own territories, challenging and effectively rendering ineffectual the regime military might.

The Council’s decision is well in line with grand policies advertised by the US as Arab states’ allied patron; in a second stage, it seeks to mount psychological pressures on the warriors of Hezbollah and Lebanese recent success in handling the terrorists’ maneuvering in the country; still a third objective is to target Lebanese national solidarity and Hezbollah’s political prestige; the fourth issue of consideration is that the Zionist regime has received green light and tacit agreement by Arab states of the Council to normalize its relations with Council members.

No doubt that popularity enjoyed by Hezbollah and its spiritual influence on the nations of the region and its sagacious leadership is a valuable asset gained as a result of perseverance and indefatigable efforts to resist the Zionist regime; policies in harmony with Zionist regime and provocative and hate-mongering action will only win for the Council the public denunciation and abjection in the view of public of the region and the world at large.


Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini is former spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry.