TEHRAN, Mar. 03 (MNA) – Iran’s permanent envoy to the UN has addressed the open briefing session of resolution 2231 when he has said post-JCPOA situation provides opportunities for all countries to use in betterment of the situation in the Middle East as well as the world.

The statement by H.E. Mr. Gholam Hossein Dehghani, Ambassador and Charge d'Affaires of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations on open briefing on the issues related to the implementation of resolution 2231 extended gratitude to the organizers of the briefing session and believed that the all countries should be in the process of implementing the JCOPA provisions or make necessary structural adjustment to move toward the process. Here is the full text of the statement:

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

 Ambassador Marchesi,

Let me express my sincere appreciation to you and your colleagues in the Spanish delegation for organizing this briefing on the practical arrangements for Security Council tasks under resolution 2231. I also thank Mr. Polak, Coordinator of the JCPOA Working Group on Procurement, and Mr. Ong from the Secretariat for their presentations on the work of the Joint commission and procurement channel under the JCPOA.

The adoption of resolution 2231 represents a fundamental shift in the consideration of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program in the Council and a departure from the path travelled during the preceding years towards ending an unnecessary crisis.

The implementation of the JCPOA began on 16 January 2016 and resolution 2231 took full effect on the same day. And, accordingly, all pervious Council's resolutions on Iran's nuclear programme are terminated and belong to history, and Member States have already begun or need to make necessary readjustments in their domestic regulations and arrangements, and set on a new course.  

Thus, there should be no more obstacles in the path of expanding relations between Iran and the world in various economic fields, including the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Resolution 2231 has already encouraged, in its preambular paragraph, "Member States to cooperate, including through IAEA involvement, with Iran in the framework of the JCPOA in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to engage in mutually determined civil nuclear cooperation projects, in accordance with Annex III of the JCPOA." Accordingly, an overwhelming majority of Member states have already expressed their desire to cooperate with Iran in a wide range of economic and development areas.

Note No. S/2016/44, adopted by the Security Council on 16 January 2016, regulates the implementation of resolution 2231. It provides, inter alia, for measures to facilitate the implementation of the resolution by Member States, including through providing practical guidance, as well as answering enquiries and undertaking relevant outreach activities.

Thus, SCAD has an important role to play towards facilitating and streamlining the works of the Procurement Channel. We expect them to and are confident that they will carry out their responsibilities with utmost professionalism, which here requires, among other things, accuracy, speed, effectiveness and, given the nature of the job, avoidance to get involved in the substance. No doubt that it won't be an easy job as they sometimes have to handle very sensitive issues and information. It is very important that the principles of impartiality and neutrality as well as the one of confidentiality be observed at all times, and all precautionary measures be taken to enhance those principles in fulfilling this job in the best possible manner.

Strict adherence to these principles is especially important, as SCAD's tasks also include efforts to generate trust among all member states and their businesses in a way to encourage them to join the implementation process of the JCPOA, and thwart any hesitation about the way the sensitive information they provide would be handled.

Looking forward to the future, my Government is willing to and resolute in fully complying with its commitments under the JCPOA. Likewise, we hope that our partners in the JCPOA do the same with regard to their commitments under the same document.

Together, we have started a new chapter in the relationship between Iran and the Council and many countries. We have to live up to the expectations that this major development has given rise to. As the very first step, we need to leave behind the old mentalities and mindsets, welcome the new realities and take practical new steps that this new environment requires.

This new chapter is an opportunity for all of us. We believe that the international community in general and our neighbors in particular should embrace this opportunity and help strengthen security and prosperity in the Middle East and beyond.