TEHRAN, Mar. 01 (MNA) – In an interview with an Arabic news website, the Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi complained about how the 5+1 members are not meeting the timeline of the nuclear deal in observing their commitments to Iran.

The deal is comprised of a joint road map upon which all the sides agreed, and the process of implementing it is being discussed by me and Ernest Muniz (United States Secretary of Energy), said Salehi in his interview with al-Araby al-Jadeed (alaraby.co.uk).

Saying that Iran has been meticulously committed to the deal so far, the Iranian official grumbled that the other side is somehow late in meeting their commitments. Salehi warned that these cases of lateness make the 5+1 responsible about the consequences.

By being late, I mean the state of being incomplete in removing the sanctions, as there are still some European banks which are bound with anti-Iran sanctions and we are waiting for the Iranian Foreign Ministry to give us EU’s explanation, clarified Mr. Salehi.

Touching upon the issue of inspections, the chief of Iran’s atomic energy dismissed any permission for inspections above the deal or beyond the framework of the international regulations.

Sure all Iranian nuclear sites are open to inspections, but sites which are not related to atomic energy are allowed to be inspected only if the IAEA documents convince the Iranian officials that the inspection is reasonably justified and needed, asserted Iran’s Salehi.

Referring to the controversies over Parchin, he added that Iran opened the door to Amano voluntarily and, for the third time, samples were taken from the site by the inspectors of the IAEA. The results annulled all those accusations for again, announced Salehi.

Saying that respect to the sovereignty and independence of the Islamic Republic of Iran was underlined by the Iranian negotiators who shared the table with 5+1 diplomats, Salehi speculated no chance for IAEA requesting to inspect Iranian military sites.

The Houthis need no help of Iran and I believe that the Yemeni nation is able to enforce their will by their own, said Salehi in reference to the Yemeni crisis which started by Saudi invasion to the poor country in March 2015.

He held that no foreign entity will be able to impose its will upon the Yemenis and affirmed that Saudis will finally leave Yemen and Yemenis will end up the victors the same as Syrians.

The Tehran-Moscow cooperation on the issue of Syria will be continued firmly, reiterated the Iranian official describing the coordination as deep and genuine.

When asked about the relations between Iran and Turkey, he also said that Tehran and Ankara enjoy excellent relations as well.

