LA PAZ, Feb. 13 (MNA) – Bolivian President Evo Morales has assured the nation the process of nationalization of hydrocarbon resources was a great liberation which ‘allowed more investment in social works and other infrastructure.’

After the inauguration of a school in this capital, Morales recalled that “capitalist transnationals subsisted on oil in the subsoil belonged to Bolivians, but when it came to the surface it was theirs.”
“With the arrival of our government to power we put an end to the robbery of Bolivian resources, and foreigners are no longer the owners of our natural resources, because nationalization made us free and we do not even depend on international organizations,” he highlighted.

“The little money we had, industrialists exported it abroad and many important sectors were privatized. Today, the revenue from oil is higher than it in those times and right now we begin investing $57mn in a new projects of oil extraction,” said the President.

“We have suffered the impact of the world energy crisis, which made oil prices drop. Nevertheless, the amount we are obtaining from that sale allows us to keep investing in works for the people; we will continue, with the projects for education and the population will keep growing and it is not to expand schools but to build new ones,” Morales emphasized. 

“We are investing billions of dollars on expanding road infrastructure and thus unite the country from north to south and from east to west,” said the Head of State. “Our plan is to put resources, some $240mn, for a hydroelectric plant, because we keep advancing in Bolivians electrification, we will increase our reserves and export to neighboring countries so we have new revenues.”
“I have learned that exporting energy guarantees us greater profits than the line of petrochemical products,” said the first indigenous president of this Andean high plateau nation.
