‘Stripy’ is a four-minute long animated piece designed in the tradition of Walt Disney's classic films. It depicts the life of a simple worker who rises in opposition to the monotonous pattern of the modern life leaning heavily toward a capitalist agenda by trying to challenge the norm and turning the repetitive black stripes on boxes into exciting red curves.
Having been accepted in over 30 foreign events including the 2015 Annecy International Animated Film Festival in France and Brazil’s Anima Mundi International Animation Festival, 'Stripy' was included on the 2016 Academy Awards, thanks to its inclusion in the 17th Annual Animation Show of Shows.
Now enjoying another opportunity at an international festival, the Nekooeis’ production will be screened at New York International Children's Film Festival from February 26 to March 20, 2016.
Established in 1997, New York International Children's Film Festival is an Oscar® qualifying event and North America's largest film festival for children and teens ages 3-18, screening 100 new films from around the world and representing over 30 countries.