Publish Date: 30 December 2015 - 15:01

TEHRAN, Dec. 30 (MNA) – SRSG envoy felicitated Iraqi people on retaking the city of Ramadi from ISIL terrorists.

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Ján Kubiš, congratulated the Iraqi people on the liberation of the city of Ramadi in Anbar Province from ISIL terrorists.

“I congratulate the Iraqi people on the liberation of Ramadi. This shows that terrorism can and will be defeated and that ISIL is steadily losing ground in Iraq due to the valiant efforts and sacrifices of the Iraqi Security Forces, Popular Mobilization Forces, Peshmerga and the sons of the tribes,” Mr. Kubiš said.

Iraqi forces claimed victory over the ISIL terrorists in Ramadi on December 28, as clearing operations were under way to flush out the armed group's remaining fighters in the key city.