TEHRAN, Nov. 23 (MNA) – Syria’s Prime Minister Wael Nader al-Halqi stressed that the country has achieved great successes and fought against terrorism with the support of friendly countries including Iran.

The Syrian PM made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian Ambassador to Damascus Mohammadreza Raouf Sheibani.

He said that Iran-Syria’s long-lasting ties were established by late Imam Khomeini and Hafez al-Assad which are now being supported and guided by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and are being expanded by Iranian and Syrian presidents Hassan Rouhani and Bashar al-Assad.

“Syria has stood up to terrorism thanks to the unity of its people and army which is scoring daily victories, and the support of its friendly countries”, SANA quoted the Syrian official as saying.

Wael Nader al-Halqi added that the strategic ties of Iran-Syria as well as the resistance pivot have made the county stand against the plots hatched by the US-Zionists.

He noted that Iran has indeed turned into a main base for the region’s stability and a key player in international fields.

The Syrian official also expressed his gratitude over the support of Iran’s Leader, nation and government for reinforcing the main factors and elements of Syrian nation’s resistance and developing Syria’s national economy.

During the meeting, the two sides also discussed expansion of economic, trade and industrial ties as well as joint investment ventures and the role of Iranian companies in reconstructing Syria.

Moreover Mohammadreza Raouf Sheibani underlined that Iran will stand with Syria to develop their resistance foundations and achieve victory.

