TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Speaking live on Iran nuclear deal on Tue. July 14, US President Barack Obama said it is irresponsible to walk away from the deal and that he will veto any legislation preventing its implantation.

Addressing Iran’s nuclear agreement today July 14, 2015, US President Barack Obama maintained that because of the deal sealed between Iran and the six states, the international community will be able to verify that Islamic Republic of Iran will not develop a nuclear weapon.

He added that the deal meets every bottom line that was established in the framework of understanding in Lausanne on April 2.

The US president noted that the deal will oblige Iran to remove two thirds of its installed centrifuges and store them on a constant international supervision. He also added that the Islamic Republic will not use its advanced centrifuges to produce enriched uranium for the next decade.

Obama asserted that Iran will also get rid of 98% of its stockpile of enriched uranium for 15 years and modify Arak heavy water reactor.

“Iran has agreed to ship the spent fuel for the reactor out of the country for the lifetime of the reactor and for at least 15 years Iran will not build any new heavy water reactors,” said Obama, adding that the deal would enable the US to verify these commitments have been met. “This means the deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification,” said Obama.

The US president also touched upon the IAEA inspections of Iran’s key nuclear facilities, saying the agency will have access to any suspicious location “where necessary, when necessary.”

“As Iran takes steps to implement this deal it will receive relief from the sanctions we put in place because of Iran’s nuclear program, both America’s own sanctions and sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council,” said Obama, stressing that Iran must complete key nuclear steps before it begins to receive new sanction relief.

He further noted that Iran must abide by the deal over the course of the next decade before additional sanctions are lifted including five years restrictions related to arms and 8 years for ballistic missiles.  

Obama maintained that If Iran violates the deal all the sanction will snap back into place.

Cautioning the US Congress against making any rash decisions in regard to the deal, Obama maintained that without this deal “there is no scenario where the world would join us in sanctioning Iran until it completely dismantles its nuclear program.”

He reminded the Congress that Iranian government will not capitulate under that kind of pressure.

“I believe it would be irresponsible to walk away from this deal… but the US Congress will get a full opportunity to review the deal. I welcome the scrutiny of the details of the deal,” said Obama.

While assuring that the deal will meet the national security of the United States and its allies, President Obama added, “I will veto any legislation that will prevent the successful implementation of this deal. Tough talks from Washington does not solve problems but hard-nose diplomacy and leadership offers a more effective way to verify Iran is pursuing its commitment,” said Obama.

Iran and the 5+1 group of countries reached agreement on a “historic day” after more than a decade of intensive talks on Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will put limits on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for the removal of sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

The agreement will be presented to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which will adopt a resolution in seven to 10 days making the JCPOA an official document.