Shiva Sadegh-Assadi’s short animation Kitten was showcased at the 7th Klik! Amsterdam Animation Festival in Netherlands as the only representative from Iran.
Kitten, an 11-mintue animation with no dialogue, depicts the world of a little girl whose parents are unresponsive to their daughter’s emotions and dreams, so much are they wrapped up in their own problems. One day the girl finds a cat that has given birth to three kittens in the family yard. Observing the cats she leaves the human world and enters the feline one, wishing to become a kitten.
Held from 4 to 9 November 2014, KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival features a massive selection of top-quality animated films that go well beyond Walt Disney’s work. In the section of emerging countries in animation, works from Iran, Singapore, Turkey, Mexico, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Ghana, Iraq and India were screened.
KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival is an annual event with the best contemporary international animated shorts that has been bringing animation to wide audiences since 2007.