Publish Date: 22 December 2013 - 09:19

TEHRAN, Dec. 22 (MNA) – The Arab League rejected US proposals allowing Israeli soldiers to be settled on the eastern border of Palestine.

According to Reuters, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas requested for an emergency meeting on Saturday in which Arab League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby said there could be no Israeli soldier in the territory of Palestine.

But a resolution he read at the end of the meeting did not repeat the harshly critical language of a report circulated to the Arab delegates ahead of the gathering.

The report said the U.S. security proposals achieved Israeli security expansionist demands, and guaranteed (Israel's) continued control of (the Jordan Valley) on the security pretext. It also described them as an American retreat.

Palestinian sources have detailed a U.S. plan to allow a continued Israeli military presence for the next 10 years in the Jordan Valley. Israel says its troops have to remain there to prevent arms and militants entering the West Bank.

Abbas has rejected the idea of Israeli troops being settled along the Jordan Valley, but says he could accept the deployment of U.S. troops there.

The Arab League report said the United States and Israel were linking talks on political issues to the Palestinians' consent to the American security solution. This is what the Palestinian side rejects, it said.