Aug 23, 2021, 7:00 PM

Tel Aviv to pressure US to scrap Iran nuclear talks: report

Tel Aviv to pressure US to scrap Iran nuclear talks: report

TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) – Israeli regime Prime Minister Naftali Bennett will try to persuade US President Joe Biden against reviving a nuclear deal with Iran when the two officials meet in Washington on Thursday.

The prime minister of the Israeli regime will reportedly try to persuade the American president Joe Biden to scrap the nuclear talks with Iran on his visit to Washington on Thursday.

According to Bloomberg, American officials are mulling their options after months of talks with Iran failed to produce an agreement.

Naftali Bennett will present an orderly plan that has been formulated in the past two months, the report cited a tweet by the Israeli regime's premier. 

Tehran has already held six rounds of talks with JCPOA participants known as the P4+1 with the aim of salvaging the JCPOA in the Austrian capital of Vienna.

During the talks, the Western powers were only killing time and were not ready to oblige the US to return the nuclear deal and lift the illegal sanctions the previous Trump administration had imposed on Tehran in blatant violation of the deal.

Meanwhile, when the Vienna negotiations were going on, Iran would warn that it would leave the Vienna talks if they take too long and if its legitimate demands as per the JCPOA are not met. Anyway, the other parties, especially the Europeans were killing time while the new US administration is still sticking to the Trump-era sanctions.

The current US administration has not yet fulfilled the promises Joe Biden made during his presidential elections campaigns to undo Trump's actions and return to the deal. In the meantime, Tehran has also stressed that the Biden administration's return to the agreement without lifting the sanctions is no of value.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei said just at the start of the new administration of President Raeisi in Iran that the Western countries are not trustworthy. 


News ID 177701


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