Sep 17, 2020, 1:31 PM


Regional treacherous rulers complicit in all Zionists' crimes

Regional treacherous rulers complicit in all Zionists' crimes

TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) – In a statement, Iran's Parliament Speaker criticized the normalization of ties between some regional Arab states with Zionists, saying that the treacherous rulers of the region are complicit in all the crimes of the Zionists.

In his Thursday statement, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf wrote: "What is happening in the region and in TV and election shows is not new to the people of the world, especially the Muslim Ummah, the Arab youth and the oppressed people of Palestine."

For many years, many governments in the region have been passionately kissing the bloodthirsty hands of the Zionists, he added.

Ghalibaf noted that what happened between some Arab rulers and the Zionist regime was simply to put on paper the stigma and ugliness of years of enmity between the rulers of some countries and the Palestinian people.

He quotes a verse from the Holy Quran saying, "Allah forbids you only in regard to those who made war against you on account of religion and expelled you from your homes and supported [the polytheists of Makkah] in your expulsion, that you make friends with them, and whoever makes friends with them—it is they who are the wrongdoers." (Al-Mumtahanah-9).

The Iranian speaker stressed that as the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, has repeatedly stressed, there will be no solution without the Palestinian people, and that this is a permanent issue.

He named the day of having the recent agreement signed as 'the second Youm al-Nikah'.

On 11 September, the Israeli Regime and Bahrain agreed to normalize relations. The two countries decided to establish diplomatic ties a month after a similar deal was brokered by the United States between the Israeli Regime and the United Arab Emirates. Bahrain then became the fourth Arab country to recognize the Israeli Regime. The first two were Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The Palestinian Authority condemned the US peace initiatives as biased in favor of the Zionist Regime and criticized the UAE and Bahrain for eroding the common Arab position, which offered normalization to the Israeli Regime as a reward for withdrawing from the "occupied territories".


News ID 163630


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