Jul 28, 2020, 6:35 PM

Find the (best) Iranian Doctors in Los Angeles

Find the (best) Iranian Doctors in Los Angeles

TEHRAN, Jul. 28 (MNA) – The Iranian Doctor's scientific ability is one of the most important reasons for the trust between him and the Iranians living in Los Angeles.

But what the patient needs is not only the experience and scientific skill of the Iranian Doctor, but they are also looking for a doctor to treat the pain. He is an experienced Iranian Doctor in Los Angeles, which combines treatment with a sense of empathy and love for the patient.

It is kindness and love that makes medicine more beautiful and has a surprising effect on gaining the patient's trust in the treatment process.

In the past, when there were no specific ways to treat diseases, medicine was more of an art than a science.

With the advent of science and technology, interpersonal aspects of patient care were overshadowed, but today the social view of medical science has resurfaced.

In general, the relationship between the Iranian Doctors and the patient has two dimensions: instrumental and expressive. The critical aspect of medicine requires the physician's skill in using therapeutic techniques, performing diagnostic tests, and physical examinations. Its expressive dimension reflects the art of medicine, which includes establishing a warm and intimate relationship with the patient and feeling sympathy.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles is one of the largest cities in the United States and California, with the most significant number of Iranians.

Many years ago, Iranians left Iran for various reasons and chose this big and beautiful city. Iranians select this because of the large number of Iranians and like to live in an environment where they do not feel far from their homeland. In general, it can be said that California is one of the leading states in the United States for Iranians.

This large and spectacular city has provided welfare facilities, social freedom, and many job opportunities for Iranians. For this reason, we are witnessing the development of a small community of Iranians in this city.

The number of educated Iranians in this city is very high. Among them, many Experienced Iranian Doctors are the best in this field in the United States.

Iranian Doctors in Los Angeles

As we said, Iranian Doctors are among the best doctors in America. What makes an Iranian Doctor a skilled physician is medical science's association with the art of medicine. These two are not opposites but complement each other.

The image that an Iranian Doctor obtains of his patient in Los Angeles is not his file in the clinic, but the image of the disease caused by a set of factors including family, friends, occupation, relationships, joys and sorrows, hopes and fears that surrounded him.

Therefore, a doctor who seeks treatment without considering these factors affecting the patient's emotional life will not succeed.

In Los Angeles, Iranians want someone who cares about them and their problems because of the distance from their home and homeland.

A doctor who is bored or indifferent to the patient will not be able to obtain useful information.

While an excellent Iranian Doctor treats his patient with kindness and full of sympathy, he prefers the disease of his compatriot to himself, not to take care of himself.

What to look for in a Doctors in Los Angeles? 

Iranian Doctors in Los Angeles support their fellow patients and use the power of knowledge and communication skills to help Iranians. In this way, while respecting the patient with any level of information, they use the best and most effective method to treat him.

When asking the patient, they are polite and allow him to speak while listening carefully to what he has to say.

And finally, one of the most fundamental characteristics of Iranian Doctors in the United States and Los Angeles is his belief in the existence of a superior power that oversees everyone. This belief makes everyone try their best to do their job, and Iranian Doctors are no exception to this rule.

Source: www.iraniandoctor.org - Home of Iranian Doctors

News ID 161572


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