Nov 6, 2018, 6:02 PM

IRGC cmdr.:

Terrorists cleaned out of Muslim countries thanks to Gen. Soleimani

Terrorists cleaned out of Muslim countries thanks to Gen. Soleimani

TEHRAN, Nov. 06 (MNA) – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Commander Major General Jafari has praised the role of chief of the elite Quds Force in fighting foreign-backed terrorism in the region, saying that Islamic countries were cleared of terrorists through the efforts of General Ghasem Soleimani.

According to the IRGC official website, General Mohammad Ali Jafari made the remarks on Tuesday in reaction to the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s offensive remarks about the commander of the elite Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard General Ghasem Soleimani.

The IRGC commander hit back at Pompeo’s remarks, saying “Mr. Pompeo, if you do not care much about your own reputation, at least do not tarnish your country’s reputation.”

Jafari further condemned the US secretary of state‘s remarks as ‘ridiculous’ and made out of 'desperation.'

He went on to ask Pompeo “do you honestly believe that Saudi Arabia, which has the blood of thousands of innocent people of Yemen and Bahrain as well as its own citizens on its hand, is fighting against terrorism?”

The IRGC commander further referred to the role that the commander of IRGC Quds Force General Ghasem Soleimani has played in fighting Takfiri terrorist groups such as ISIL in Iraq and Syria, saying “it is you who have the blood of the oppressed people of the region on your hands, not General Soleimani who has dedicated his life to fighting terrorism and your trained ISIL terrorists.”

He went on to describe General Soleimani as a role model for resistance forces in the fight against Takfiri and non-Takfiri terrorists, stressing that the oppressed Islamic countries were cleared of terrorists through the struggle of Resistance forces, whose role model is General Soleimani.

The IRGC top commander further described the United States, Israeli regime and Saudi Arabia as the main sponsors of terrorism in the region, calling on the US secretary of state not to further discredit America with his trivial words.


News ID 139406


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