Apr 6, 2018, 6:07 PM

Saudi regime should be trialed: cleric

Saudi regime should be trialed: cleric

TEHRAN, Apr. 06 (MNA) – Ayatollah seyyed Ahmad Khatami condemned Saudi regime’s crimes against civilians in Yemen and called for trial of the heads of the kingdom, during the second sermon of this week’s Friday Prayers in Tehran.

“Palestinians staged a march of return protest and the Zionists showered them with bullets which claimed the lives of 20 and wounded 1000,” said Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami, the interim leader of Tehran Firday Prayers, on Friday.

He made the remarks while addressing the prayers at the second sermon of this week’s rituals of the event, condemning the crimes committed by the Israeli regime in Gaza.

“The truth is that blood-shedding is in the nature of the Zionists and the response to this criminal regime is nothing but the use of force and the message of the Leader in support of the Palestinian warriors attests it,” reiterated the cleric.

“In the course of 70 years of occupation of Palestine, many talks and negotiations were held, but not only they did not relieve the status of homelessness of the Palestinian refugees, but also the number of dislocated Palestinians increased day by day and made this regime more brazen in committing crimes,” asserted the leader of Friday prayers.

“At this stage of time, it is a strategic mistake to talk about negotiating with the Zionist regime,” he said before urging the Islamic world for bewing responsive to the crimes committed by the Zionists. “The Islamic world should withstand the crimes committed by the Zionists and this is a requirement of being Muslim and Arab.”

“Aren’t the Palestinians Arab? Why these so-called Arab countries are turning blind eyes to crimes against Palestinians? Their silence is exactly betraying the Holy Quran,” articulated the cleric.

“What is awe-inspiring in the meantime is how some traitor-to-religion Muftis in Saudi Arabia issued decrees to annul demonstration in Gaza as Haram, and the Zionist regime also welcomes this move, but let me tell them that Quran says that their moves are against Islam,” underlined Ayatollah Khatami.

“Recently, one of the officials of the Zionist regime said that they would attack on Hezbollha by the end of the current year. Of course the zelous warriors of Hezbollah responded them crushingly but I tell them that ‘You have tried your chance one or two times and you saw that Hezbollah turned Tel Aviv and Heifa to ghosts’ cities with 70km missiles’,” affirmed the cleric.

“Hezbollha is stronger today, much stronger than ever. I tell the Zionists ‘if you are willing to see Tel Aviv and Heifa trampled to earth, try your chance again’,” reiterated the cleric.

“The Leader said that the Zionist regime would not last for 25 years. Maybe the Divine ordinance is that they do something crazy to get eradicated much earlier,” the cleric warned about any stimulating move.

“In these days we hear a lot of bullshit by a crude young Saudi. The mark of dishonor for recognizing the Zionist regime in public is something new but Saudi have been cooperating with the Israeli regime for some decades,” asserted the interim leader of prayers.

“The Saudi regime is a corrupt regime which should be trialed in a competent court. Their crimes should be investigated as they are the founders of all Takfiri terrorist groups; there would be no suicide bombing attack in the world unless the ‘rich of the region’ is involved in it,” he condemned Saudis’ policies in supporting the ISIL and sponsoring extremist groups.


News ID 133171


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