Mar 15, 2016, 2:16 PM

UN honors Iranian artist for disarmament poster

UN honors Iranian artist for disarmament poster

TEHRAN, Mar. 15 (MNA) – The United Nations honored Kazem Bokaei form the Islamic Republic of Iran for his poster designed for United Nations Disarmament Poster Contest.

Three winners as well as nine honorable mentions were recently announced by the UN Poster for Peace Contest. The competition was sponsored by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the first UN General Assembly resolution, which established the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction.

The contest aimed to raise awareness of the need for nuclear disarmament and to inspire citizens across the globe to add their voices, and use their artistic talents, to promote a world free of nuclear weapons.

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Bokaei’s poster was amongst nine posters honored by the juries of the competition.




















News ID 115243


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