Jul 1, 2015, 12:05 PM

Iranian wins best young scientist award

Iranian wins best young scientist award

TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) – An Iranian researcher at Sharif University of Technology Hadi Parastar received the world’s best young scientist award at the 15th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry.

The 15th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry was held in Changsha City, China from June 22 to 26.

This is the world’s most valuable conference in chemometrics which was held in an Asian state after 28 years.

The previous editions of the CAC meeting was held in the US, Hungary, Belgium, France, and Portugal among others.

In its 15th edition, the CAC meeting focused on new developments and applications of chemometrics in analytical chemistry and other branches of chemistry. 

The best young scientist award was given to the Iranian scientist due to his innovation in developing new chemometrics methods to analyze complex data obtained from the new generation of chromatography.


News ID 108313


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