Dec 15, 2014, 12:17 PM

Museum of Quebec to exhibit Iranian cartoonist works

Museum of Quebec to exhibit Iranian cartoonist works

TEHRAN, Dec. 15 (MNA) – Museum of Masters and Artisans in Quebec, Canada, is to feature cartoons by Iranian cartoonist Behzad Ghafarizadeh and Russian cartoonist Oleg Dergachov.

The Museum of Masters and Artisans of Quebec [Musée des maîtres et artisans du Québec] located in Montreal, Canada, will showcase cartoons by these two artists from January 8 to February 8. The exhibition features 50 works by these artists titled artoon.

Behzad Ghafarizadeh was born in 1983, and grew up in an art-loving family. He was graduated from the University of Tehran and received his master’s degree in materials engineering. He continued his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at École de technologie supérieure, Université du Québec.

His passion for cartoons started upon his encounter with the acclaimed Iranian cartoonist Kambiz Derambakhsh and after receiving a letter from him in 2006. Ghafarizadeh’s works have already been showcased at various prestigious international exhibitions and have been on the receiving end of several awards.

At the 14th edition of the Salon Mercosur International Diogenes Taborda festival held in Argentina, Behzad Ghafarizadeh received the 1st Mention of the festival's Color Graphic Humor category.




News ID 105083

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