At the end of their meeting, members of board of directors of the three associations prepared a joint declaration in which they pointed to the numerous benefits of transgenic rice, which is a recent agricultural development in Iran, stating that it seems unreasonable to hinder genetic and biotech developments because of ‘likely side effects’.
The Scientific, Immunologic and Biological Association, the Iranian Association of Biotechnology and the Association of Genetics added: “Regarding the importance of all scientific fields that are based on biotechnological developments, genetic engineering, transgenic planting, embryonic genetics, gene therapy and other relevant fields of study, every sensible mind would say there is no point in hampering use of these lucrative sources of knowledge, especially in food, health and environment security.”
“One part of genetic engineering includes the genetic modification of plants through using biochemistry and molecular biology. It naturally results in producing pest-resistant plants while reducing use of chemical pesticides and herbicides. Therefore, the process creates high quality food.”
“Thus, we hereby ask President Khatami to urgently give an order so as to underline fast enforcement of the Bio-Immunologic Law; fast being the operative word.”
The three associations announced they have formed a joint workgroup to examine the case of transgenic rice, which has been claimed by some officials to be a danger to every one who eats it. The workgroup is to provide a case study to determine whether the genetically modified product is hazardous.