TEHRAN, Aug. 9 (MNA) – The Iranian deputy foreign minister for Arab and African Affairs has called on the Libyan government to take immediate and serious action to help release seven members of the Iranian Red Crescent who were abducted by gunmen in the Libyan city of Benghazi on July 31.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the efforts taken so far by the Libyan government have neither been sufficient nor effective, reminding Tripoli that the aid workers had visited Libya for humanitarian reasons at the official invitation of the Libyan Red Crescent.

He said the abductees’ health is of paramount importance to Iran and said the Iranian Foreign Ministry is working hard to have the abductees released.

The deputy foreign minister said the Libyan government is responsible to safely secure the release of the aid workers.

Amir-Abdollahian said Hassan Qashqavi, Iran’s deputy foreign minister for consular, parliamentary and Iranian expatriates' affairs, will visit Tripoli at the head of a delegation accompanied by the secretary general of Iran’s Red Crescent to pursue the fate of the abductees.