Tehran Vahdat Hall will be hosting several solo performances by Iranian masters on opening day.
Azerbaijan National Symphony Orchestra will give its concert at Andisheh Hall of the Art Bureau on Tuesday.
Rudaki Hall will have classical music from Armenia to be performed by the “Komitas” Band on Thursday. They are scheduled to perform several compositions by Iranian-Armenian composer Loris Tjeknavorian.
The Niavaran Cultural Center will also be a hosting female music band by conductor Soheila Purgerami followed by a band from India on Monday.
Iranian “Khonya” by Alireza Vakilimanesh will perform in Tehran’s City Theater Complex on Monday.
“Darkub”, an ensemble by Homayun Nasiri followed by the recitation of actor Hamed Behdad, will perform in the Milad Tower on the first day.
The opening day performances also include several other Iranian bands in different locations.
More bands from the Netherlands, Slovakia and Greece will be giving performances in the upcoming days.
Several musical sessions also are scheduled in the side area of the festival.