The 13th of Aban in the Iranian calendar, which corresponds to November 4, marks the national day of struggle against global arrogance and the anniversary of university students’ seizure of the U.S. embassy in 1979, which was called the Den of Spies. It was also the anniversary of the exile of the late founder of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini by the deposed shah in 1964.
In its statement the Islamic Propagation Coordination Council has invited the nation, particularly the students, to manifest their unity once again and send message of the Islamic Revolution to the world.
On its part, the Society of Seminary Teachers said the vigilance of the nation, particularly the students, would not let the Islamic Revolution deviate from its path.
The Islamic Society of Iranian Students also emphasized the importance of adhering to the causes of Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader.
The Defense ministry also called Aban 13 “the day of the Iranian nation’s resistance against the global arrogance’ plots” and called on people to take part massively in the rallies.