TEHRAN, Sep. 3 (MNA) -- Iran is one of the world’s eight top countries in construction of gas power plants, Iranian deputy energy minister said.

The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting quoted Hamid Chitchian as saying that, “in terms of designing, installation and commissioning power plants, Iran rivals top countries such as the U.S., Britain, Germany, Japan and China.”

 The official further noted that two decades ago, designing, installation and commissioning of power plants were conducted by foreign contractors but now they are undertaken by Iranian experts.

 “In addition to constructing power plants inside the country, Iranian engineers are engaged in such projects in Oman, Iraq, Syria, and many other countries,” Chitchian said.

 Putting the number of power plants operating in the country at 400 with a total capacity of 57,000 megawatts, he also said that Iran ranks 18th in terms of generating electricity.