TEHRAN, Jan. 7 (Mehr News Agency) –- The book “The Canon of Medicine” by the physician and philosopher Avicenna has been translated into Turkmen and published in Turkmenistan.


Turkmen President Saparmurt Niyazov in his visit to the Ashkhabad Art Academy gifted the translated 6-volume books to the library of the academy.


The Turkmen daily “Bitaraf” in its Wednesday issue reported the Turkmen translation of the book was being distributed in Turkmenistan bookshops. “The Canon of Medicine” is the only book of medicine in Muslim countries, which has also been taught in European countries.


“The Canon of Medicine” was long preeminent in the Middle East and in Europe as a textbook. It is significant as a systematic classification and summary of medical and pharmaceutical knowledge up to and including Avicenna's time. The first Latin translation of the work was made in the 12th century, the Hebrew version appeared in 1491, and the Arabic text in 1593.


Avicenna (Abu Ali al-Hussein ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina) (980-1037), Muslim Iranian philosopher and physician, was born near Bukhara (now in Uzbekistan). At the age of 18, he was rewarded for his medical abilities with the post of court physician to the Samanid ruler of Bukhara.


In 999 C.E, he traveled and lectured on astronomy and logic in Jurjan, near the Caspian Sea. He spent the last 14 years of his life as a scientific adviser and physician to the ruler of Isfahan. His mausoleum is in Hamedan, west of Iran.