TEHRAN, Oct. 21 (MNA) -- Sureh-Mehr Publications plans to translate five books containing the memoirs of women during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, which is known in Iran as the Sacred Defense.

The books are Seyyedeh Azam Hosseini’s “Da”, Seyyed Qasem Yahosseini’s “The Red Olive” and “The Sea of Stars”, Masumeh Ramhormozi’s “The Last Sunday”, and Roqieh Mirabolqasemi’s “Autumn 59”.


The books have been enthusiastically received by Iranian readers and will be translated into English in the near future and then released by international publishers.


U.S. translator Paul Sprachman, who has previously translated several Iranian books, will translate the Iranian best-selling novel “Da”.


He has translated the first 100 pages of “Da” already but said that he will omit some parts of the voluminous book.


“Da” contains recollections by Zahra Hosseini of the time when the Iraqi army captured Khorramshahr in the early days of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war.


The American translator James D. Clark will translate “The Red Olive” and translators for the other three books, which probably will be released by Mazda Publishing, will be decided upon in the near future.


“The Red Olive” narrates the life of the first Iranian woman who works for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran whose life is affected by the Iran-Iraq war.


Ramhormozi narrates the story of the Khorramshar invasion in her “The Last Sunday” during which a female resistance fighter witnesses the death of her father.


The memoirs of Zohreh Sotudeh, who witnessed the days of the war in Khorramshahr and Abadan, are compiled in “Autumn 59” penned by Roqieh Abolqasemi.


“A Sea of Stars”, which contains 12 chapters, includes the memoirs of Zahra Tajob, the wife of martyr Masud Khalati. He was a member of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy and was martyred during combat with U.S. naval forces in the Persian Gulf.