Directed by Mohammadreza Arab, the film tells the story of an Afghan named Alibakhsh who is working in Iran. He has no way to find out about the situation of his wife and family back home. The U.S. threats to attack Afghanistan after 9/11 increase his distress and finally he decides to repatriate.
The Russian movie, “Admiral” by Andrey Kravchuk opened the festival this year.
Over 20 countries from three continents attended the festival which ran from August 28 to September 3. A selection of 10 movies from India, Germany, Russia, Hungary, Britain and Italy were competing in the competition section.
Georgian director Nana Dzhordzhadze and the American director Celik Kayalar were seen among the guests this year.
“The Last Queen of the Earth” is Arab’s debut feature film. However, he had previously made several documentary series and films for IRIB. The movie was also an entry to the Fukuoka International Film Festival.
Ali Azadnia, Abdolvakil Nikbin, Asghar Hemmat, Vahid Negah, and Goli Akbari also star in the film, which was screened at the Brooklyn International Film Festival in June 2006.
The role of Alibakhsh is played by Qorban Najafi, who previously appeared in the role of an Afghan refugee in Ahmad Talebinejad’s “I’m Not Bin Laden.”