TEHRAN, Jan. 18 (MNA) -- International expert Ahmad Bakhshayeshi Ardestani said here on Sunday that the victory of Hamas in the Gaza Strip will perpetuate the presence of Hamas in the political scene of Palestine.

“With its victory in Gaza, Hamas will remain for ever in the political scene of Palestine.”


Pointing to the ceasefire declared in the Gaza, the expert said, “Surely, Israel has suffered a defeat in Gaza. This is the second failure of this regime and will not be the last one.”


Israeli unilaterally announced a ceasefire on Sunday. The ceasefire began at 2:00 am (0000 GMT).


However, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said the Israeli troops will not leave the Gaza Strip.


Bakhshayeshi made a reference to the failure of the Zionist regime to achieve its objectives in invading Gaza, saying, “Israel did whatever it could but we saw that it did not succeed. This is the beginning of the historical downturn of the Zionist regime.”


Helping Gazans, a ‘humanitarian and Islamic duty’


MP Ali Motahhari stated helping the innocent Palestinian nation is a “humanitarian and Islamic duty”.


“We have both humanitarian and Islamic duties with regard to the Palestinian people. We can institutionalize this in the world to frustrate the negative propaganda campaign of the Zionist regime.”


Pointing to the propaganda campaign of the Western media on relations between Iran and Hamas, he said, “Strengthening the defense power is a legal right of all governments.”


On the Egyptian government’s cooperation with Israel, the MP said Cairo’s cooperation with Israel and its refusal to open the Rafah crossing is a “greatest betrayal”.   


Israel faced a humiliating defeat in Gaza


Deputy Interior Minister for Social and Cultural Affairs Alireza Afshar insisted that Israel suffered a humiliating defeat in the Gaza Strip.


“The failure of the Zionist regime in Gaza is in fact its failure in face of the Palestinian nation and the resistance groups especially Hamas.”


Afshar added Israel “should have learned a lesson” from its 33-day war with Hezbollah.


“Israel did not learn a lesson from the 33-day war… and today we see that this regime (despite) having so many military facilities was not able to defeat the resistance groups.”


He made a reference to the Iran’s political measures during the conflict, saying, “Iran was able to involve the international, Arab and Islamic community in the Gaza issue.”