ISTANBUL, Jan. 14 (MNA) – Majlis speaker Ali Larijani on Wednesday put forward a 14-point proposal on the Gaza conflict which received strong support from the Islamic states attending the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union (IIPU) in Istanbul, Turkey.

Larijani arrived in Turkey on Tuesday to attend an IIPU emergency meeting on Gaza.


“An immediate ceasefire and exit of the Zionist troops from Gaza”, “ending the blockade on Gaza and reopening all border crossings” and “forming a fact-finding committee to study the Zionist regime’s crimes against Gaza in order to bring the war criminals to justice” were Larijani’s proposals which were included in the final statement of the session.


Iran proposed that the international community should condemn the Zionist regime for resorting to force against civilian people, using unconventional weapons in Gaza’s densely populated areas and also for its air, sea and ground attacks.


Iran also proposed providing humanitarian aid such as food, fuel and medicine, dispatching an IIPU committee to the region to direct the relief operations, urging the United Nations and relief organizations such as the Red Cross to send humanitarian aid and transfer the wounded from Gaza, holding the Zionist regime responsible for the loss of human lives and the destruction in the Gaza Strip, and also imposing a legal obligation on the Zionist regime to pay reparations to the victims.   


Tehran suggested that the IIPU should call on the international community to pressure Israel to release the Palestinian prisoners including the Palestinian National Assembly speaker and other Palestinian lawmakers.


Iran has also suggested that all IIPU members should break off parliamentary relations with Tel Aviv.