TEHRAN, Nov. 17 (Mehr News Agency) – During his visit to Washington last week, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz warned that Iran would reach a "point of no return" in its nuclear program within a year unless there were concerted efforts to stop it.

"Concentrated efforts are needed to delay, to stop, or to prevent the Iranian nuclear program," he said in a speech.


Mofaz also threatened to attack Iran, the London-based daily Al Hayat reported in its November 16 edition.


In another development, the chief of the Mossad intelligence agency, Meir Dagan, warned MPs on Monday that Iran's nuclear program poses the biggest threat to the Zionist regime’s existence since its creation more than five decades ago. He told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Iran was now close to the "point of no return" in developing nuclear weapons.


The warnings of the Zionist regime’s criminal officials come just before the United Nation's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), is to decide on Iran’s report on its nuclear program of the past two decades.


Moreover, in a report released last week, IAEA Director General Mohammad ElBaradei stressed that there was no evidence as yet that Iran was trying to build a nuclear bomb.


This statement greatly angered U.S. and Zionist regime officials.


However, White House officials downplayed the agency’s report on Iran’s nuclear activities and said they regarded it as unrealistic, but the IAEA representative emphasized the accuracy of the report and said that the agency prepared the report and will stand by it.


Political analysts believe the recent comments of U.S. and Zionist officials are just damage control after the failure of their plan to create a global consensus against the peaceful nuclear energy program of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


It seems that U.S. and Zionist officials are becoming concerned because their lies and disinformation about Iran’s nuclear program have been exposed.


As a matter of fact, the initiative of Iran and European Union members France, Germany, and Britain and the IAEA report have foiled the plots hatched by the U.S. and the Zionist regime against the Islamic Republic.


Furthermore, some analysts also maintain that as the clamor about Iran’s nuclear activities subsides, the world is going to turn its attention to the main threat to world peace: the Zionist regime’s stockpile of nuclear weapons.


In fact, Zionist officials are obsessed with fears of just such a turn of events, particularly after the recent poll in European countries which indicated that a majority of Europeans believe that the Zionist regime poses the greatest threat to regional and world peace and security.


