TEHRAN, Sept. 14 (MNA) -- Desecration of religious values foments discord among religious denominations and nations and brings about cultural animosity, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said here on Friday.

Printing sacrilegious cartoons runs contrary to the values respected in all cultures, endangers global peace and security and paves the way for further clashes among members of various cultures, Hosseini said in reference to a blasphemous picture of the Prophet Muhammad (S) appearing in a Swedish newspaper in August.


Iran has always supported Islamic values and would never keep silent in regard to such actions, he added.


He went on to say that Iranian Foreign Ministry was the first diplomatic organization in the Islamic world to condemn the disrespectful cartoons. Iran’s Foreign Ministry immediately summoned caretaker of the Swedish Embassy Gunilla von Bahr to express protest against the publication of the cartoons.


Such actions are aimed at promoting “hatred and racism” and intensifying cultural conflicts which are believed to be planed by some antireligious extremists, he observed.


Desecration of religions and cultures is in blatant contradiction to Article 4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, he explained.


Hosseini stated that European officials need to set aside their double standards in defending human rights and adopt more of a real attitude in regard to issues that challenge the feelings and beliefs of international community.