TEHRAN, Jul. 10 (MNA) – Russia quickly learns how to neutralize such weapons systems or significantly reduce their 'effectiveness, according to American source.

The sophisticated precision weapons supplied to Ukraine by the United States and other NATO countries have a significant but time-limited impact on the dynamics of the conflict in Eastern Europe, as Russia quickly learns how to neutralize such weapons systems or significantly reduce their 'effectiveness.

The "Wall Street Journal" newspaper writes this, confirming a series of analyzes of a similar nature that have circulated in recent months, which have highlighted in particular the Russian ability to neutralize satellite-guided precision weapons, such as the Excalibur guided artillery projectiles.

Russia was known even before the conflict in Ukraine for its advanced electronic jamming capabilities, which over the past two and a half years have evolved to keep pace with increasingly sophisticated weapons supplied to Ukraine.

Over the months, a fate similar to that of the Excalibur projectiles has befallen various categories of missiles used by the Himars high-mobility multiple rocket launcher systems, while other weapons, such as small caliber glide bombs (Glsdb), have proven ineffective since principle.

Some of the more recently supplied systems, such as the Atacms theater ballistic missiles and the Storm Shadow highly observable cruise missiles delivered to Ukraine by the United Kingdom, have been successfully used for strikes against high-profile targets in Crimea, damaging bases aircraft and destroying batteries of the Russian S-400 air defense systems.

It is probable, however, according to the "Wall Street Journal", that the effectiveness of these weapons will also decline rapidly, forcing NATO - and consequently also Russia - to rapidly catch up with each other in terms of technology and capacity.