TEHRAN, May 29 (MNA) – The spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces announced that the Yemeni military targeted 3 ships in the Red Sea, 2 other ships in the Sea of Oman and one ship in the Mediterranean Sea in its 6 new operations to support Gaza.

"In one of the operations carried out in the Red Sea, the LAAX ship was directly targeted and sustained damages, Brigadier General Yahya Saree said.

"2 other ships named Sealady and MOREA have also been attacked with anti-cruise and ballistic missiles as well as drones," he added. 

"Yemeni forces have targeted American ships ALBA and Maersk HARTFOFD with missiles and drones in Makran Sea (Sea of Oman)," the Yemeni military spokesman added.

"The armed forces of Yemen attacked the MINERVA ANTONIA ship with cruise missiles in the Mediterranean Sea in the sixth operation," added Saree.

"All the ships that have been attacked have been ships that ignored Yemen's warnings about the ban on sailing to the ports of occupied Palestine," the spokesman also said, further declaring that the Yemeni army will continue to help the oppressed Palestinian nation as long as the attacks on the Gaza Strip and the siege of the Palestinian nation in the enclave have not stopped.
