TEHRAN, Apr. 23 (MNA) – The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said on Tuesday that the United States vetoed the UN Security Council’s efforts for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza four times in a roll, showing its perspective on human rights.

Chinese ​Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks in his regular press conference on Tuesday.

"Year after year, the US creates so-called human rights reports that are filled with political lies and ideological biases on China. We strongly reject this," said Wenbin in response to a question about the 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released by the US State Department on Monday.

He continued to say that, "The Chinese people have the best say on the human rights situation in China. China made history by eliminating absolute poverty. We practice whole-process people’s democracy and provide the world’s largest education system, social security system and medical care system in China. The Chinese people’s sense of gain, happiness and security keeps getting stronger. We have found a path toward better human rights that reflects the trend of the times and fits our national realities. A Harvard University survey conducted over a period of more than 10 years straight shows that the Chinese government’s satisfaction rate among the people stayed above 90 percent."

"In this so-called Human Rights Reports, the US criticized the human rights situation of nearly 200 countries and regions and yet said nothing about the US itself. This is just another case of double standard. The hegemonic, domineering and bullying nature of the US and its selfishness and hypocrisy are on clear display. If the US truly cares about human rights, it should take seriously and properly address domestic gun violence, drug abuse, racial discrimination and other violations of human rights and dignity. It should face up to and reflect on its intervention operations in other countries and human rights catastrophes resulting from US provision of weapons and fanning the flames in regional conflicts. The US, turning a blind eye to over 110,000 civilian casualties in Gaza, vetoed the UN Security Council’s efforts for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza four times in a roll. That alone says enough about how little human rights actually mean to the US and how it tramples on them," the Chinese spokesman added.

"The world is not blind to US hegemonism imposed on the world in the name of human rights. The US needs to examine its own behavior. It needs to take care of its own problems first, stop lecturing others on human rights, stop pointing fingers at other countries’ human rights record, and stop meddling in other countries’ internal affairs, violating their human rights and planting conflicts and chaos in the name of human rights and democracy," he further asserted.